Tuesday, February 3, 2009

5-Minute Recap of the Last Two Weeks

Ready, set, go...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 some members of Team LoweRiders (TLR) met some members of Cradles to Canes at Marsh Creek for that rare unicorn of winter night rides, the snow ride. Conditions were pretty much perfect, and even better when I realized that lower tire pressure may make turning and climbing much easier and therefore much more fun. Great fun was had by all. Pizza, wings, and beer at Foster Boys after.

The following weekend Campbell, K-town, and me rode Fair Hill and White Clay. We met JMatt, BShow, one of his college buddies, and couple of his friends for a 3-plus-hour tour of Fair Hill on Saturday. And unlike that most famous 3-hour tour we didn't get lost...almost. We have finally learned a decent loop at Fair Hill that is long and includes most of the good trails that Fair Hill has to offer. And it only took us a year to learn it.

Sunday, Campbell, K-town, and me went to White Clay and rode almost every trail that the park has to offer. We now know this place inside and out...pretty much.

Trainer, trainer, trainer...

The following Wednesday it rained/iced/sleeted like three inches of bullet proof crap which just recently melted...for the most part.

Trainer, trainer, trainer, treadmill (What the!)...

This past Saturday no riding (or fun for that matter) was had because K-town's car brokedown on Friday night (its still at the shop), and my car brokedown on Saturday afternoon (all it needed was a battery). My father came to jump us (thanks Pop!), and Campbell and I changed the battery in a parking lot.

Sunday, Campbell, K-town and me attempted to ride the nearly half century we did a couple of weeks ago. K-town and I both flatted and eventually had to call my lil'bro Matt to come and bail us out (Thanks Bro!). My family is awesome...really, really, awesome.

My other lil'bro Josh comes home today from Joshua Tree. Hopefully there will be one good day of weather while he is home so that we can get a ride in. I'm sure he'll try to drag me out to a climbing gym or some other similar nonsense.

Its now Tuesday February 3, 2009 and its currently snowing on top of the bullet proof crap that didn't melt over the weekend.

Trainer, trainer, trainer, treadmill, Spring...


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