Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Impatient Motorists of the Greater Kimberton/Poenixville Area That Have Ears to Hear Let them Hear

Hark! Ye angry wielders of cell phones, I am but a humble road cyclist. And although we together are nothing but fore sworn arch enemies battling over the right most two feet of the limited and most covetous asphalt of our fair local roadways, I implore you...

No matter where you are headed nor what persona of impatience you assume when behind the wheel, regardless of your destination or the time in which you have to get there, nothing is more important than my life, health, and well being. I realize that the 10 extra seconds it takes you to reach the next stop sign and/or traffic light is almost too excruciatingly painful for you and your, what would have to be severely atrophied brain, to tolerate; but stop for a second and weigh the freaking alternatives. What is more important, getting to the next mandated stopping point during your trek to nowhere 10 seconds sooner, or allowing a fellow human being to retain his life and enjoy his health? Get some freaking perspective.

As a cyclist, I have the right of way. I know, I know its a harsh reality, but its true nonetheless. There's a reason for that too, its because I'm more vulnerable than you and your 5,000 lb car, moron. I know we live in a world of cretinous ignorance, where instant gratification and "your way right now" principles rule the day, but use your head. The next white-trash hill-billy pulling a wooden trailer with a rust-bucket pick-up that runs me off the road, or toothless dirty-hippie that screams expletives at me from behind the wheel of her gas guzzling SUV is going to get a windshield full of whatever debris I can find on the side of the road at the next mandated stopping point they're in such a rush to get to.

People suck,

Angry Ron

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