Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Wednesday is a magic day. That sounds a little "my little pony" for my tastes but in all seriousness, Wednesday has become quite an important day in my and K-town's life in recent years. Come to think of it, Wednesday has been important since my adolescence (whether or not that period has officially come to a close is still up for debate) what with Wednesday Night Shaper-Shop and all. Lifelong friendships were forged, who "I" would settle-out to be was brought into a little bit sharper focus, and its when (or how I suppose) K-town and I met in a round about sort of way. More significant actually is how we avoided meeting on Wednesdays until the time was right, but all the same Wednesdays played an important roll. Fortunately, that is all the subject of some future as yet unwritten blog post. Anyway, Wednesday took a hiatus from the spotlight during my college years since every day was pretty much a "Wednesday" when I was in college. Not to use a cliche (I'm going to anyway.), but Monday sucks for reasons that are painfully obvious to everyone. Tuesday is about the most meh-tacular day I can think of (seriously, does anything fun or exciting ever happen on Tuesday, there isn't even anything good on TV on Tuesdays). Sure, "thirsty Thursdays" is held in regard by some, Friday is fun too (but its easy to be fun if you're Friday, you're Friidaay- you ain't got no job and you ain't got isht to do), and Saturday and Sunday have there own special place of significance as weekend days (Honestly, is it really that hard to be liked when you're a weekend day? I think not.) All those days are fine and have there own little places of significance within the week (except for Tuesday, Tuesday is pointless, you could shut your eyes, turn your brain off, and walk around like a zombie on Tuesday and most likely no one would notice. In fact, think back, can you remember anything even remotely significant about Tuesday?)

Now Wednesday, Wednesday is where its at.

Stuck in the middle, Wednesday signifies the start of the downhill slope to the weekend. You've crested the peak, the significant work is in the books its all downhill from here. If you're like my father, flush with 180 or some other equally ridiculous number of vacation days, you've only got one more day left to the week before your never ending slew of three day weekends continues with the onset of yet another three day weekend. Just as the excitement from the passed weekend's activities begins to fade the light at the end of the week-long tunnel starts to shine bright with the prospect of the weekend's coming frivolity (That was a fancy sentence. My apologies. I'll do my best to tone it down from here on out). For K-town and I, Wednesday is team ride night. Wednesday Worlds is another overused cycling cliche, but despite their overuse and filmy taste cliches have at least a partial truth at their core, and so it is with the Wednesday Night Ride - Wednesday Worlds. I believe there is a universal reason for that, the local cycling community (at least our local cycling community) takes a collective mid-week sigh of relief, forgets that tomorrow is Thursday, and pretends for a night that Wednesday is the only day. Its a night of friends, fun, and fast riding. A night to test one's legs and make a bid to shake up the group "pecking order". A night to ride one's teammates and oneself into pulp. A night where nothing is at stake. A night to share a brew or two, talk bikes, and laugh with friends. Today is Wednesday, get out and enjoy it.


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